6 Reasons to Choose a Uniform Laundry Service
A uniform laundry service can help eliminate the need for on-premise laundry or employee self-laundering, along with other valuable benefits.
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Your uniforms say a lot about the work you do. They provide a high degree of professionalism and brand awareness. They identify the type of work your employees do and can help protect them from on-the-job accidents or injuries. They also can make job tasks more comfortable. That’s why acquiring uniforms is such an important topic.
Not every company operates in the same way. We recognize that each business has unique circumstances and has different needs when it comes to their uniform services program. That’s why Vestis™ has varied options available to you when it comes to uniform services. Let’s take a look at some of them, explore their benefits and help you determine which option meets your company’s needs.
The three most common uniform services are rental uniforms, uniform leasing and buying uniforms.
Working with a uniform rental company is a popular option for companies of all sizes.
Rental uniforms are picked up on a regular uniform delivery schedule. At Vestis you can count on a dedicated route sales representative to collect your rental uniforms on a weekly basis and bring them to our location for professional laundering. Our scientific wash formulas use automated systems to measure detergent, water, temperature and wash time to help remove oils, grease and other soils while retaining fabric color for a consistent level of clean. Additionally, we use two different detergents in place of harsh cleaning agents to reduce pH changes. This extra step helps ensure softer garments that are less likely to irritate skin.
Professional laundering also helps you comply with safety regulations. Chemicals used in home laundering can break down important safety features like the flame-resistant protection of a garment. Vestis has specially formulated detergents that protect inherent flame-resistant properties.
Another important feature of a rental uniform program with Vestis is that rental uniforms are regularly inspected. Damaged garments are repaired or replaced, if necessary. This helps alleviate issues associated with damaged uniforms or home repairs that don’t comply with safety standards. Consider a simple tear that an employee decides to repair on their own. If their job requires them to wear FR garments and they patch the tear with household thread and fabric that doesn’t offer the FR protection that their job demands, serious injury could occur. Regular, professional inspections can help ensure compliance and peace of mind.
Something else to consider is that when you rent uniforms, you are not investing a significant amount of cash up front. Buying uniforms and the associated expense can impact budgets and affect other important business expenses.
An excellent solution to this is to work with a uniform rental company. Vestis provides rental uniforms for a wide variety of industries. Styles are current and a uniform rental company can offer a wide array of sizes for your whole team. Additionally, there’s no up-front cash investment. Billing is spread out and consistent for better forecasting and budgeting. But that’s not the only advantage.
To sum it up, rental uniforms have multiple benefits:
For some companies, regular pickup and delivery of laundered uniforms isn’t a feasible option. This is particularly true for businesses that operate with a decentralized workforce such as those employing long-haul truckers or workers stationed on remote oil rigs.
Vestis offers a uniform leasing option that has some of the same benefits as rental uniforms – current styles, multiple sizes and consistent monthly payments without a large investment up front. The difference is that companies that use the uniform leasing option empower their decentralized employees to handle laundering. Vestis is available to assist with uniform repairs or replacements.
In some cases, businesses want to supplement their rental uniform program with additional styles such as outerwear for certain geographic locations, special events, employee promotions or personal preferences. Vestis offers the ability to buy uniforms through their direct purchase program which carries a wide assortment of shirts, pants, outerwear and more. We also have belts, hats, socks, shoes and other accessories that can complement uniform rentals.
Direct purchase styles can be customized with eye-catching embroidery and silk screening of company logos, names or event information. Most direct purchase styles are available with color consistency between your rental uniform program and direct purchase items.
To learn more about how Vestis can help you with your uniform services, contact us for more information. Our program experts are ready to discuss options appropriate for your business.